Reach out with any questions. We are here to help.Autumn Hill Dental9001 Dufferin St Unit A-6 Vaughan, ON L4J 0H7 Phone(905) 889-3939Emailstaff@autumnhilldental.comSchedule Your Visit Today Please complete the form below. We will call you as soon as possible. Choose Appointment TypeGeneral AppointmentCleaning AppointmentEmergency AppointmentInvisalign ConsultationImplant ConsultationGum SpecialistKids AppointmentOther (Add Message Below) Appointment Date Appointment Type Preferred TimingMorningAfternoonEvening Name (required) Email (required) Phone (required) How did you Find Us?Drove By OfficeMail FlyerFacebookGoogle SearchWord of MouthExisting PatientOther (Add Message Below) Your Message Contact Information9001 Dufferin St Unit A-6, Vaughan, ON L4J 0H7+1(905)